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September Contest: Haiku Challenge

I recently got back into writing haikus (shout out to Isaiah at for inspiring me!)  I'm remembering how useful it is to force myself into this tight, small format. Haikus are three line poems, with five syllables in the first line, seven syllables in the second line, and five syllables in the third line. The force you to focus, and to conserve language. 

The September Slam Challenge is to write the best haiku. Do it!  Submit here when you're ready. 

Here is my most recent series, for reference and inspiration: 

Introspective Wolf
Do you think a wolf
Always knows he is a wolf?
Or does he mean well?

I do not only 
Listen to a man's advice.
First I watch his life.

Knives Out
A harmless request
Invitation to engage.
But will you stab me?

The thing I can't live
Without: connection with You.
To unplug is death.

I quietly write
Into the cosmos for all
Or none to see it.

Uh Oh!
I wonder if the
Satellites can see me when
I am pooping, yo.

Music to Write To: "Empty Crown" (Yas)

Music stirs creativity. Try playing this track while you throw down onto the page. I've had this one on repeat. It's called "Empty Crown" by Yas. Happy creating!     --Slam Poems Editor 


Black (Franko)

The following slam poem was submitted by Franko, hailing from Louisiana. This poem is provided as a written poetry piece.  Leave a comment to move this slam poem up in the rankings. Remember to participate in this community by, submitting, commenting, and following


Black is symbolic of love and pride 

It is a symbol for which my ancestors fought bravely and died 

The dominant figure in society is the man who claims propriety 

Is what some men say, but is untrue 

Black is not to be ashamed of or hide 

For Black and Pride Coincide

Overwhelmed (Tim Hernandez)

The following slam poem was submitted by a poet who goes by the name Tim Hernandez, hailing from Colorado. This poem is provided as a written poetry piece, and addresses the search for truth and peace. Leave a comment to move this slam poem up in the rankings. Our poetry comment system is intended to facilitate feedback for our artists, and to promote creative communication. Don't just read he poetry -- take the leap by, submitting, commenting, and following

 --Slam Poems Editor

But who's not
Once I could think
But of what,
I forgot

My mind is caught
Inside a thought
Too big
And now it's

What is true?
Am I, are You?
A dry well ever

This knot entangled
Synapse strangled
Mind encased in

Can't find an end
Maybe my friend
My heart can help me

Anxiety ridden
Emotions hidden
Tense and short of

Run away
No! not today
This time I'll face this

I'm far too weak
Too shy too meek
Too insecure
Too immature
Too dumb too scared
Mentally impaired
Too useless
Too awkward
Too Broken

Searching for something
For someone to put my hope in

No one but You
Eternally true
Breathe me out
Breathe You in
Let it soak in

When I lose sight
Please hold me tight
And never cease
Overwhelming peace

Feelings (Austin J.)

This slam poem was submitted by a poet named Austin J., hailing from Germany. This poem is provided as a written poetry piece, profoundly personal, deeply painful. Leave a comment to move this slam poem up in the rankings. Our poetry comment system is intended to facilitate feedback for our artists, and to promote creative communication. Make sure to leave a comment.

 --Slam Poems Editor

Today was a bad day.
I cried again.
Not that anyone would care.
I argued with them again, about something that's important to me.
Like always they don't understand and they don't care, or they just don't want to care.
It hurts.
