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The Day You Found Yourself (Kerrie Nicole McCaffrey)

The following slam poem was submitted by a poet named Kerrie Nicole McCaffrey." This poem is provided as a written poetry piece with powerful, striking imagery.  Leave a comment to move this poem up in the rankings. Our poetry comment system is intended to facilitate feedback for our artists, and to promote creative communication. Don't just read poetry -- take the leap by submitting, commenting, and following.  

--Slam Poems Editor

The Day You Found Yourself
there is a half moon horizon
and the murk and smudge of the yesterday
the charcoal darkness of the last hour
and the swath of pitch upon your life
is shattered
as if by switch blade...
the car won't start--
your throat is sore--
as if you were in deep woods
and emerged into a glade
such flowers
alcoholism retrograde
carried off by bees
like so much pollen
on pretty yellow legs--
What other choice do you have?
Ask Sexton, ask Plath
Wolfe and Hemingway--
lay down if you need
buttercup-brushed cheeks
Deptford pinks, small and bright--
honeysuckle, bite the stem
sweet life--
Say it, you need to mean it--
grasses whisper it to you,
sway it
as it grows dark
and you wander like a peacock in the clearing.
The mocking: "Her mouth is black!"
The: "Go to the nurse young lady!"
Dams break, tears aflood--
but you stop in a quiet bathroom
to see black blood
and notice
in that porcelain nest
that the ink is really blue
and you think of finger painting the mirror--
a young, prodigal priest doling out psychedelic ashes--
a sapphire susurration.
that kind of breath.


  1. Awesome! Thank you, Kerrie! Your beautiful words are inspiring and give me hope for a wonderful tomorrow! Thank you so much! Love you my friend. Santiago

  2. that was absolutely freaking amazing. this poem should be read by everyone. congratulations on being in the Wall Of Fame!

