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Showing posts with label Videos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Videos. Show all posts

Remembering Mary (Phil Ginsburg)

The following slam poem was submitted by Phil Ginsburg, hailing from Colorado. This poem is provided as a spoken word video poetry performance. Leave a comment to move this slam poem up in the rankings. Our poetry comment system is intended to facilitate feedback for our artists, and to promote creative communication. Participate in this slam poetry community by, submitting, commenting, and following
 --Slam Poems Editor

Remembering Mary [VIDEO]

EDITOR'S PICK: Shake the Dust (Anis Mojgani)

The Mission of Slam Poems is 1.) to showcase great slam poetry, and 2.) to create awesome conversations. 

For these purposes, I frequently post examples of  the best slam poetry performances that I have come across. This is a means of inspiring the community.

This slam poem model of excellence is called “Shake the Dust” by Anis Mojgani. I was inspired by the ferocious hopefulness, and the precision of delivery in this piece. I also appreciated how he crosses lines by delivering a message of hope to people on opposing sides of the equation: the bullies and the bullied, etc.

The site thrives on engagement from the slam poetry community.

We’d love to hear your comments on this one. What can be learned from this poet?

--Slam Poems Team


